Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most common questions we are asked every day. Scroll through and if you still have a question, feel free to contact us!
How long does it take to be referred to a specialist/diagnostic imaging center (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)?
This process depends on the specialist that you are being referred to and your insurance carrier. There are some specialties that require medical records prior to setting an appointment for you. Once we forward those records, we must wait until we are called by the specialists and provided with an appointment. Diagnostic Imaging, or requests for CT’s, MRI’s, etc., often require prior authorization. Prior authorization is a process by which your insurance carrier evaluates the medical necessity of the requested study. This sometimes requires phone calls, documentation, formal letters in support of as well as independent physician review.
How long will it take for my lab tests to come back?
I have recently been allergy tested, how long will I have to take shots?
What is a deductible?
What is coinsurance?
When will I get a statement?
Why must I come in to get lab results?
Dr. Walker considers lab results of the utmost importance. Lab tests and diagnostic studies are often performed in an attempt to identify underlying diseases to explain symptoms. Once lab results are obtained this can lead to unexpected diagnosis which require unique investigations and sometimes additional diagnostic studies. As you can see, there are many things that must be discussed during this return visit, such as prognosis, side effects, interactions, life-style and medication changes.
Why must I pay my co-pay at every visit?
Insurance carriers use co-pays to share health care costs. It is a fixed amount required by the insurance carrier to be collected prior to each visit.
What is in my allergy shot?
Varying concentrations of the very allergens that cause allergic symptoms when you come into contact with them via mucosa membrane, nose, throat, skin or digestive symptoms.
How do allergy shots work?
Allergy shots work by teaching or retraining the immune system not to overreact to common substances. This is done by injecting the very same allergens that cause your allergic reactions into your body. Your immune cells sense these allergens and begin to ignore them with repeated injections usually at weekly intervals.
How do I access the Patient Portal?
Please call us at (870) 584-3000 and request your password. Each person will require his/her own unique password. We will provide you with additional instructions at that time.